Information about Intermittent Fasting

What is intermittent fasting?
Intermittent fasting is based on the primordial human's way of life, a time when food was not available all day, all the time. Not until modern times we...
What are the advantages compared to classic diets?
For most people it's pretty hard to change their eating preferences. With BodyFast this is not necessary, as you may eat what you want when you're no...
Is Intermittent Fasting scientifically proven?
There are lots of scientific studies that intermittent fasting can improve your health and help you to lose weight. There's a lot of research in the fie...
How fast do I lose weight?
The intelligent BodyFast Coach will set up an individual fasting plan for you - based on your goals and your success. Each week you'll get a new plan. Af...
What does "16-8" and "5-2" mean?
These are the names of two well-known intermittent fasting methods. 16-8 means to fast for 16 hours and to eat for 8 hours. You can just skip breakfast, for...
What does a typical intermittent fasting week look like?
Every fasting plan is individually created by analyzing your personal goals and progress. In one week you might have a fasting period from 8 pm to 12 am ever...
How long can I do Intermittent Fasting?
Intermittent Fasting is (unlike many diets) a permanent change in nutrition. You can thus participate in our fasting programme for an unlimited period of ti...
Why does a week have 8 days?
On the last (eighth) day of the week you plan and start the next week. To avoid long gaps between fasting periods, and so that you can start on the same day...
What do I have to consider during fasting?
Intermittent fasting can be integrated into your life easily, because it is not a diet but much more than that. By fasting you give your body the chance to ...